Social & Legal awareness

Knowledge of basic human rights, copyrights or essentials of basic contracts, where to turn in the event of sexual harassment or violence, are not only a separate educational project, but also a part that is included in every single Hi52life project.

We support children and young people to know their rights and use them wisely throughout their lives.

We are proud to support the Tibetan Legislative Association, a non-profit organization that has been providing legal aid to those in need for a long time.

“Everyone should know own rights.”

Founder o Hi52ife 

Basic Human Rights
Základní lidská práva 

Mezi lidská práva patří právo na život a svobodu, svobodu od otroctví a mučení, svobodu názoru a projevu, právo na práci a vzdělání a mnoho dalších. Na tato práva má nárok každý bez rozdílu.

Pokud byste se chtěli dozvědět více o lidských právech klikněte dole a přejdete na oficiální stránku Organizace spojených národů.

Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more. Everyone is entitled to these rights, without discrimination.

If you would like to know more about human rights click at the bottom and you will go to the official page of United Nations